Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Laura and I were told today that we get to be in charge of NYO (Native Youth Olympics).  We're excited to help the kids out, teach them, and interact with them when we can.  However, we're not very educated on the sports or activities they have to do...we're calling in a lot of favors to learn what we can before our meet.  We have the tournament in November! EEEkkk!

The kids keep picking on me now, since the wrestling meet.  When I was doing the time, I was also taking pictures (for the yearbook) and announcing names for who was coming up next to wrestle... I don't know whose idea it was for the lower 48 Caucasian girl who has only been here for 3 months to say all the Yup'ik names, but they all found it hilarious.  Saying names like "Aguthlik" and "Yupanik" and I don't even remember the ones from the other's hard.  AND I was reading the coach's handwriting, which I couldn't read what some of the letters was traumatic... but they all find it fun to pick on me about it now:).

We had a priest come to visit from Fairbanks for the past 5 days.  He said mass everyday at night, and last Sunday... I forgot he was saying it daily, and I missed it on Sunday because I was doing report cards...I'm a bad Catholic.  But he gave me confession today!  He came to the school to visit me and then talked with my students.  It was great.

I've started making a's wide and short...I might have to pull it apart and start over.  I'm crocheting it.  Laura and I look like the perfect old, Bush ladies crocheting, watching movies, and talking with our cats.  It's sad.

We had a lot of cold weather this weekend, and got a lot of ice on the river.  It's raining now so a lot of the snow is melting, but the river still looks pretty.  I took pictures and movie of it.

We don't have school Friday because we have parent/teacher conferences.  The kids are excited...but we still have to work!  It's going to be a busy weekend.  We have volleyball here Friday and Saturday, wrestling is traveling to Hooper Bay (which I was going to travel with but conferences are stopping me:( ), we have a dance Friday night, the community is having a carnival Saturday all day, and we have Book Fair Friday and Saturday.  Ahhhhhh!  No, I don't want free time!


  1. I typed a long comment to you yesterday but I couldn't get it to publish and therefore lost the whole thing so I'm redoing it today. Let me try this first!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. 3rd time writing this one! Those comments were not from dad, we can't get it to type my name anymore. It keeps putting dad's name under a google account and he doesn't have one! So I will just use his name, I guess! Let's see what happens this time and hopefully I won't lose it again! Mom
