Wednesday, August 29, 2012

HILTON vs hilton

Ummmm...let's take a moment to complain... The district did a really good job welcoming us in Anchorage, bringing us into our our rooms, at $200 a night rooms. We were in luxury.

Now...the Hilton has been downgraded............ In the past 48 hours, I'm being generous, I have gotten 7 The first night, I swear to you it got down to 35 degrees in my room. My friends here laugh at me because every time I complain it goes down about five degrees... So I fell asleep around 2:00am because I couldn't stop shivering. Matt pretty much got annoyed with me by then because I kept complaining.

Then, I told the director of sped that we didn't sleep because of no heat, so she made sure we had some. ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE. My room was 85 degrees when I climbed into bed. :) that was okay. I could work with that. But it STORMED last night. And the window was loose so every time the wind came through, the window banged against the side of the building and woke us up again. Got to bed around 3:00am. Yay. Then I would wake up every half hour because of the banging.

And the pillow/bed gave me a bit of a headache. I took some migraine mess around 4:00am, but it wasn't good up until then. I finally decided I didn't need two blankets anymore and used one as a pillow. That's when I finally fell asleep for a few hours. Yay. It has been fun sleeping.

Then I got to take a shower (camping style) in the shower that the curtain didn't close all the way with hair everywhere. Eeeeeeek.  The rain water was leaking through the roof into the shower I was taking, so it would be really warm, and then ::drip drip:: cold rain water!!! :)

Overall it's been great, I just wish I had a little more sleep:)

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