Monday, August 27, 2012

PD In Mountain Village

Today we're starting our SPED training in Mountain Village (another village where our district headquarters are). We got on the plane at 9:10am and traveled to Alukanuk, Pilot Station, and ...another site I can't remember the name of:). Then we made our way to Mountain. We sat around and talked for about another hour and a half to wait until everyone else could get here on their flights.  It's nice because they're not trying to waste our time during this PD. They are on the thinking of if we need to learn it, they gave us time for it, and we can teach it to each other while they're teaching us. I really appreciate it.
Front row!  I got a good view of the monitors...

Notice that in the little planes use seat belts that go around your chest...scary much?

I thought it was pretty with the shadow right there on the grass...

My favorite part of the Bush planes is the tail pick.  They put it down so we can get out of the plane and make sure it doesn't flip over while we walk toward the back.
We had some cheeseburgers for lunch. Yuuuuummmmm. Then we went and learned about our IEP software for the computers. While we were there our director of sped asked if we might want to go to a bonfire tonight. Of course!
Here's the breakfast at school this morning.
So we went to the store, had dinner (meatloaf...ew...but made really well...I just don't like meatloaf), then went to the bonfire! My first ride on a 4 wheeler ever! How fun! We got splashed and hit with twigs; Josh wasn't too gentle for our first times. But it was really nice of him to take us. Then we came out n the beautiful river. I nev wanted to leave! We played football, listened to music, and watched the fire. We ate some s'mores! I dropped my chocolate...:( Lara Leigh told me to eat it I did.  It's the Bush...
First ride on a 4wheeler.  You can see me in the mirror...That's Zoey riding in front!

Me and Amanda riding the 4wheeler

Katie driving the second 4wheeler full of riders! :) Phoebe's on the left...

Amanda, Me, and Lara Leigh at the Bonfire.

Phoebe taking a fake 4wheeler pic.

And my fake 4wheeler pic:)

Lara Leigh and Phoebe doing jump shots!

All the warm-state people in their warm coats and hoods...Me in my light sweatshirt...

Oh Katie...You're always so perky...

Phoebe wanted the football...

Amanda tossing the ball to Charles

What a perfect bonfire?

Sunset in Alaska:)

All the friends gathered:)

I got to learn how to drive a 4 wheeler! And I didn't flip it (::cough:: Leah)! Josh was very nice on teaching a few of us girls on how to drive the 4 wheeler. We will have to make him dinner or buy him a beer in Anchorage sometime.

Oh Leah...why did you drive so fast through the mud puddle?

Then we had the fun trip home on the cold 4 wheeler in the dark. It was so pretty with the moon and the headlights! Headlights...I haven't seen them in so long...
Josh driving the first 4wheeler home
Gorgeous night with my friends...
Now I'm staying at the LYSD Hilton. It's...Bush Hilton:). I'm excited to be here and be with everyone. I'll upload pictures and videos tomorrow!
It doesn't get its name by similarity...


  1. Sounds like the whole crew is starting to come together as a team. Great to hear! I did see that the Kuwait question did get answered. Sorry! I didn't get to it quick enough. Be careful on your driving! Love you!

    1. We are having a blast. Thank you for the Kuwait answer. It was driving all of us nuts! However, all of my friends here don't know what Michigan looks like and didn't know we had the UP... I had to wear my shirt with the state of Michigan on it so that I could show everyone where everything is. It's fun to see the difference in what all the schools teach in the different parts of the country! :)

  2. Awesome pictures! Looks like a blast!

    1. Oh my gosh we're having a blast here at Mountain Village. We just need to start sleeping now...

  3. Who is this Josh? He looks like he might be cute from your photos...single? I know someone who's looking :)

    1. Lindsay Michelle! He is the director of technology. It was very nice of him to take us on his 4wheeler to the river:). I miss you Linds!
