Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Sorry I didn't write for a bit.  I didn't sleep well the past few nights.  Monday night, I  went to bed a little late (talking to friends...oops), and then woke up at 2am to wish Alicia a happy first day of school.  Which then Jennifer texted me and I talked to her.  And I talked to Matt before that...then I got on Facebook to just wish everyone a happy first day!  Then I went back to bed around 4am to wake up for school at 7am.  Whew!  Long night!

So, then I went to bed early last night.  Around 8pm.  So then I couldn't sleep in very late and woke up at 6am thinking of all the calls I needed to make to Michigan and things I needed to do before school.  So I decided to get up and make those calls, because I always complain after school that I can't talk to any businesses because they're closed that late (4 hour time change).  It was smart.  I got a few things accomplished.  However, I feel like I needed to make so many more calls! :)

I had Laura over for dinner tonight, and she, Phoebe, and I watched "The Ugly Truth."  Laura hadn't seen it before.  Very good and funny.  It's a comedy/romance.  It was good for us girls.  I had a meeting for Child Case Study (teachers collaborating on ideas for students they have problems with either behaviorally or academically).  It was enlightening to everyone's eyes I think.  We were able to talk about our goals and what processes need to be made in order to help the students.  I'm excited to get started on this team.

After that we went to the store, but we were very careful to stay together and not wander...the bear was sighted again in town.  Close to the house I used to live in...glad I moved closer to the school... The kids are really good about not playing outside or wandering around when we have sightings.  That made me very happy and at ease.  Just another day in the Bush! :)


  1. Wow! Will definitely be leaving all bear stories out when reading your blogs to Alex. Stay safe!
