Saturday, September 1, 2012

Missing Flint...I Know

Yeah, never thought you'd hear that one, did ya?  I finally put my stuff away today and got my Sugarland CD that I have missed so much since I have been here!!!!  I forgot to get it out of my DVD player before leaving.

It was in the DVD player because I would blast the CD everyday at Revolving Door Apts.  The boys got sick of it, except Matt.  He liked it....the first 10 times I blasted it while he was trying to sleep:).  Sorry Matty.  Da will like Sugarland before I'm done!
Matty and Da...My Boys. (my old roommates...and future...Steve I will get my room back sometime...)

Now, I've been listening to the CD while updating the blog for the past 2 hours and trying not to get too emotional while listening.
Real Tears...Okay these were for leaving Harry Potter World, but they're similar...

I miss sitting in my room or walking around the house listening, while talking to all you guys.  I miss my boys!!!!
Da and me on my "last night out: friend style"

Matty and me trying to say "Goodbye"

This isn't helping my bank account as I'm trying to not spend money to come home often.  Hmmm...might be coming home sooner and more often.  Oh well, can't take it with us! :)
Michelle and me at Karaoke

Normal, stable, and perfectly-well-developed-mentally Steve and me on my "last night out: friend style"

Jessie and me on our "last night out:cousin style"

Al and me

Just remember, "I Ain't Settlin' ":) If you understand, you know the music:)

It's a lot of everyone/thing I'm missing...
I was excited for one more day of HPW.

But we didn't want to leave Harry Potter...

Ella and Gracie at the Columbus Zoo.

Grandpa and Olivia

Grandma and Henry
Grandpa, Henry, and Alex

Mea and Doc...yes...even him...

Oh Michelle... (there is no Stealthy Steve in the picture...)

Michelle really wanted that...reward...:)

We had a good night...

Al was tired.

The Chomic Cousins

The Fam (Henry's there...he's just not born yet...)


  1. Wow Jackie awesome travels. Love the pictures and post. Hope all continues to go well.Matt and Mary had their baby on Thursday a boy Adam Gregory 9 pounds so not a too little guy. Keep up the good work and the post coming. Love them thank you!! Love, Betty Jo

    1. Wow! Congrats Grandma again! I hope that you were all still able to see the Michigan game yesterday...:) I hope everything's going well back home, and give little Adam a kiss for me! Love you!

  2. I love sugarland too!!! seen them live twice and they were amazing!! we listen to it in my room all the time!!

    1. Of course you do. Sugarland rocks! And you are a smart girl. I will have to stop by your room more often so that I can listen!
