Friday, October 5, 2012

Leaving Michigan

The past few days were amazing.  I was able to go to A&A to get 20 links of Polish sausage and then stop by the hospital and visit the Putra’s!  I was very excited to see them.  However, they were up at 5am and read the blog and knew that I was in Jackson already.  That wasn’t as exciting… Then Mom and I went back home and I was going to thank Clarence for letting me take Sparkle Prime (my car) out of his garage for the day.  Then we saw Aunt Patty and Uncle Dave on our way in front of the house so they came in to talk for a bit.

We left to go to Jessie’s house and I got to eat lunch with Alex at his school.  He was shy at first, but opened up and talked with me.  It was hard to say goodbye to him, but I love him lots and I know I’ll see him soon.  I then went to a doctor’s appointment, and then drove to Flint.  Matty, David, Michelle, and Alicia seemed to not be waiting for me in Flint and they were in trouble.  They were working out.  They weren’t in too much trouble because Mom and Dad hung out with me and we hadn’t decided on an exact time when I talked with the Flint-ers.
Jess and me before I had to say "goodbye:("

Sparkle Prime and me before I had to say "goodbye:("

We hung out at Da’s house, watched “New Girl” for a bit, then went to dinner at “Red Robin” (yum!).  I took Matty some food and then was off to Meijer to get some actual supplies for Alaska…that exhausted me out quickly.  I spent two hours at Meijer and didn’t get out until 11:30pm.  Went home to Da’s, and fell asleep. 

Woke up today, went to get a massage and chiropractic adjustment, and then took lunch to Al.  I thought she had lunch a half hour earlier than what she actually did, but it was cool.  Went back home, woke Matty up (took a bit of the cattle prod…), then went to the video store to buy some movies/TV shows to keep me busy.  We then went back home and packed.  It took a while and a lot of coaxing on Matt’s part.  It was really hard to leave my family and friends.

Luckily, Mom and Dad met us at the airport for one last goodbye!  It was great to see them.  Matt had to push me through security, but I got through, and now I’m in Detroit, about to go to Minnesota.  So, I guess I can’t actually stay.  I love it in Alaska, I just miss you all.  I’ll update soon!


  1. So glad we got to see u one more time before you left. You sounded like your old self again on Sunday (yesterday) like maybe u finally are catching up on some sleep! We're pleased that the coat is warm, you are really going 2 need it in a few weeks (days?). Be safe. Love you, Mom.

    1. Yes, I finally got sleep. I think I still haven't quite gotten enough sleep yet, though. :) The ed tech director was here this week and had the same coat. He said he likes it a lot! Thanks Ma and Pa!
