Saturday, September 15, 2012

10 Days...Whew!

I apologize...10 DAYS!  I've been busy...and sick again.  Last weekend I pretty much just spent in bed and on the couch.  I was tired and not feeling well.  It wasn't good for me to leave the house.  I did go to the staff potluck at the school Saturday night for dinner.  I didn't eat much, but I did try some of Laura's moose meat...ummm...not so good.  I don't know if it was the meat or the way it was prepared.  Nothing against her cooking!...well...Laura will be the first one to tell you she's not the best in the kitchen...I had to fix her mistake on making box rice last Friday night... However! It was made like a stew, and it's just not something I usually like, beef stew that is.  So, I guess I might try one more time to see if prepared a different way, I might like it.
My first bite of Moose Meat

Yummmmm...Fry Bread.

Last Friday night we had a girl's night out at Laura's house.  It was great.  We made tacos, rice, salad, and then played Xbox Kinect (for those of you who don't know...yes David, I know you's basically that your voice and body are the remote control).  We played Dance Revolution, bowling, and boxing.  Dance Revolution definitely won out for the night.  We all looked completely silly dancing, but we had a great time.
Sara won! (She was the black man...), then Laura, then me, then Phoebe:(

Favorite dance move ever!

Yeah, Laura, Phoebe kicked your butt!

Monday I woke up with a huge ear ache and coughing, so I made an appointment at the clinic.  I was able to be seen Tuesday at 10:00am.  The physician's assistant said she didn't see an infection, but gave me some stuff to get the fluid out from behind my eardrum and help the coughing.  She also gave me an antibiotic in case it turned into an infection.

Wednesday I felt worse, and took the second half of the day off work.  There was a Candle Lighting at the Community Center for suicide prevention, so I thought it was important to go to that.  I was feeling good enough to go, I just coughed a lot.  It was done really well.  One of the elders spoke to us about how we need to help our youth, we sang church songs, and about 20 of my highschoolers were there to support the cause.  Great job guys!
The kids waiting for the Candle Lighting to Begin

Lala and her husband (I think) playing songs while we wait to begin

We each got "Love" on our wrists to remember we're loved.

The students at the Candle Lighting Ceremony.  I was so proud to see them there.

The elder talking to us about what we should do to help.  He's the one holding the candle up.

By Thursday and Friday I was starting to feel a bit better.  I am still coughing, and it sounds waaay worse than it did before, but I think it's just because the stuff is moving in my chest.  I'm coughing less often, which allows me to get some sleep.  One of the medicines actually makes me really sleepy, so I'm only taking it when I'm able to nap or go to bed.

I was wide awake at 6:00am this morning.  Again, my sleep schedule is off.  I just can't get it right out here.  I'm planning to stay at school and get some personal business done.  We're not allowed to be on the Internet for personal reasons during school hours.  And for some reason, sights are blocked an hour after school, too.  So, by the time I can get anything done and write a post here, I'm too tired and just want to go home.  And I don't have Internet at home.  Frustrating!  And my phone isn't the best so sometimes calls/texts don't come through, and most of the time my caller ID doesn't work.  SO, if I'm not staying in contact very well, don't think it's because I don't want to!  It's just harder up here.  I'm on Eskimo Time....

I did get a few packages from Thursday.  I got some candy I ordered as rewards for the kids, my coat, snowpants, and goggles!  I was told I'm a real Eskimo now! :) I look completely weird in my whole get-up.  I'm covered head to foot.  But I'm ready!
My warm new coat...:)

And my hott new goggles!
 Tonight there is an Eskimo Dance to celebrate Suicide Awareness.  I'm excited for my first one!


  1. Love the goggles! Thank goodness you got the beautiful coat and pants before the snow flies! Looks really warm. You will need it. Boy, everybody sure missed your blog the last 10 days. You would really be surprised at how popular you've become! Miss you tons!! Love, Mom.

    1. Don't you know I've always been popular mom? :) Just kidding! I'm glad to have my coat. It's so warm and soft!

  2. I can second the awesome goggles and your popularity. I just wanted to tell you though that Ryan and I had our cake tasting today for the wedding and our cake lady said she used to live in Alaska for 2 years. She was around where you are..the village that the hospital is at. She knew Emmonak. Her name is Skye from Legacy Cakes and she told me that if you ever want to talk to someone who has experienced what you're doing find her on facebook or I can get you her email. She was there as a chemical councelor or something (???). Let me know if you want her email or anything. It was interesting to talk to her about it. Should have told her you do cakes too ;)

    1. I want some cake! I'm so jealous! The hospital is in Bethel, but we have a clinic in Emmonak. That's so great, thanks for getting me her information, that's an awesome resource. I don't know what a chemical councelor is...hmm...I would love to do cakes out here! :)
