Sunday, September 30, 2012

Did You Know I'm From Michigan?

Soooo, yup. I'm back to my home state for a few days. I decided to fly to surprise all the birthday people in Michigan. Ella and Grace's birthday was Sept. 14, Dad's was Sept. 21, Matt's was Sept. 23, Henry's is Oct. 3, Jessie's is Oct. 17, and Marty and Jessie's anniversary was Sept. 20. I needed to celebrate with people... If I forgot your birthday, I appoligize. Lack of sleep. So I was supposed to make it home for the tailgate and OSU/MSU game on Saturday. I missed it. But I did make it in time for Matt's birthday party! I'm so glad I made it Matty! And I got to sleep that night for eight hours! So great!

I drove to Jessie and Marty's house Sunday morning for Henry's party. Dad caught Al and I walking up...ugh. And the little munchkins did too... But we surprised Mom and Jessie really well! We had tons of fun at the party, then we went to PF Changs.  Yum!
Henry's new horsey:)

Then we went and surprised more people. Went to Aunt Marge and Uncle Stan, tried to see Aunt Patty and Uncle Dave, but they weren't home. Then we went to surprise Lindsay, but she wasn't home, but at Sue and Tim's, so we went there. And we got to see Ryan, Andy, and Kate! Then since we were by there at the time, we stopped by to see Aunt Kathy. I want you to know, just because I didn't visit, doesn't mean I don't love you! It means you went to bed early, you live farther away, or we ran out of time! I didn't get to go shopping today, so don't be too upset (please note: I just wrote "sunset" and didn't notice until 10 minutes later instead of "upset." that's how tired I am).
Cutest dogs ever...Laura take notice.
Yeah...Lindsay made it onto the blog...:)


  1. What a great surprise to have Jackie home!! I feel bad she didn't make it when she wanted to but it was absolutely great to have her home!!

    1. I did surprise you pretty well didn't I? I'm ticked I didn't get to see Anne, but I got to see pretty much everyone else from the tailgate (or at least talk to them). Love you all!

  2. I was absolutely SHOCKED to see you! Glad we got to see you for a bit. We're all so proud of you. Can I also mention how especially cute the dog in the MSU jersey is?!!!?
    What an honor to make it into the blog! ;) Man, we look tired(forced smiles...tired eyes)!

    1. You're was one of my favorite surprises. I think Jessie was my all time favorite. She just couldn't close her mouth. And kept accusing people of not telling her. The dog is pretty cute. And you have to be a pretty big deal to make it into the blog, so congrats...:)

  3. Wow!!! I cannot tell you how excited we were this past weekend! I am sure it took me awhile to realize that you were really here! I couldn't even talk at first! I kept thinking we have to get on FaceTime to include you in the party and then you took care of that yourself! We had a fantastic time. Dad always says the only birthday present he wants is to have all his kids and grand kids around and you made that possible. We know what a terrific sacrifice you made to get still aren't back to Emmonak as of this minute. We just got off the phone to you in Anchorage. Just a few more planes and you will be there! Be careful and remember how much you mean to us. Thanks again for such a great surprise!!! Love you so much, Mom.

    1. Thanks Mom. I love you guys. However, I have lack of sleep and am now crying because of what you said. You know I'll always come back as much as I can. Love you lots!

  4. Ok now u r making me cry! I did really well....except for at Jessie's...and on Sunday night...and Monday at Jessie's again...and at David's...and at the airport....and on the way home! But I was doing good until u had to stay in the airport at Anchorage for 10 hours,alone, and in the middle of the night! But since we talked again, and you're almost back and it is daylight(I think), I feel more at ease. Love, Mom.

  5. Now you guys made me cry! I slept about one hour last night worrying about Jackie's travels. She and I have something in common - no sleep! It truely was great to have Jackie home! She made a great weekend for everyo
