Saturday, September 1, 2012

Back in EMO

So, we got back into EMO (Emmonak) Thursday night around 5:00pm.  We got off the plane and Tom was waiting to pick us up.  We drove back home, getting an update on how everything went while we were gone.  Needless to say, we were missed.  It's hard to keep the school running smoothly when your SPED department and Home/School Coordinator have been gone.  So, had our work in store for us on Friday and to come on Tuesday when school resumes.

When we got to school, 5 of my 7 totes were waiting from Michigan!  I quickly loaded them onto a cart and wheeled them to our house.  I went home and unloaded them quickly.  Mom and Dad, there was no way anyone was getting into those totes on their way here, or any water was getting into them.  It took 5 minutes (literally) to open one tote.  I started to get so aggravated I just started ripping, pulling, and cutting whatever I could.  I wanted my stuff!!!!  It was literally like Christmas, Jessie.  I was so excited to see my things again!  Maybe we should just steal each others things for a few months and give them back at Christmas.  I feel like we'd save a lot of money this way...
Waiting for me at school

Soooo excited to open them up!!!
I was excited...:) Then too tired to clean it up...

:( I will never use this here... :(

So, the next day on Friday I was sooooo tired to get back to school, but the students must be helped and taught!  I started out seeing who was at school and who could be helped.  A lot were missing that day...  I walked into second hour with the science teacher (it's Directed Studies, so there isn't a lot to study yet...) and he decided they were going to shoot hoops in the gym.  He asked if I could watch the students while he got supplies ready for the next class.  A student asked if I wanted to play Around the World with her (I got the concept, but not exactly the specifics).  I explained to her that I was willing to play, but it'd be a quick game.  I suck.  I shot my first hoop last year when one of my fourth graders taught me how.  Let's just say it's not pretty when I shoot.  She quickly retracted the invitation.  I was able to get a video of the kids playing.  It's like their football.  It's huge here!  If they get a rebound in a game, they don't do a layup, they dribble back to the three point line and take another shot.  And usually make it!

After school I went to get my two totes that were held at the post office because I had to sign for them.  And surprise!  I had a package with stickers all over it!!!!
Who could it be from?

Those look like Alex stickers...

They went all around, so I could see them no matter where I look...That has to be from Alex!

I knew right away it was from Alex, Henry, Jessie, and Marty.  Alex is awesome at putting those stickers on presents!  I was so excited and so touched to get it from them.  I wanted to open it up right away at the post office, but I tried to control myself to hold back until I got home.  It was perfect.  Jessie wrote notes on what each of the items were for and why they were sent.  Thank you guys!
Alex gave me a car and chocolate graham cracker fishies!!!! Yuuummm!!!

I got books! Nice, I will have plenty of time to read! :)

I was excited to look inside...
...until I cried seeing my boys that I miss so much.  I love you Henry and Alex!

What could this be...?

Yay!  Mani!!!!  Just my color!

I have been craving gummy worms like crrrraaazzzyyyy!!!!  Thank you!

And then I cried for the second time... Thank you Jess.

They weren't out of date.  August 20th! I got them August 31st!

Alex drew Alaska!  It's huge isn't it?!

And my kitties in the kennel.  They didn't like it in there much... But now they're much better!

Oh how much you know me and my love of cooking...:)

I also got some Amazon packages...Vitamin D :))) and our hampers for dirty clothes...the little things you don't think about ahead of time.  Next on the list to buy is garbage cans. :)  I bought candy for the classroom, a coat, goggles, and a Happy Light on Friday.  Hopefully they come soon.
Opening Macadamia Nut Clusters...

Phoebe made Salmon...:) It was soooo good today.

Did you all hear the results of the MSU vs. Boise St?!?!?!?!  GO GREEN!!!  GO WHITE!!!

I went out to eat with Laura and Robin (Laura's aide in the classroom).  Robin picked us up in her 4wheeler and drove us to the restaurant.  I got a burger.
Order Up!  The counter at the Restaurant.

My burger.  Can't forget the ketchup!

Robin's Tai Shrimp Fried Rice.

....A student's Tai Shrimp.  Yeah, he looked at me like I was weird... I am.

Inside the restaurant.

Then, after dinner, they drove me out to the windmills.  They're so big and beautiful!  I got splashed a bit by the mud coming off the back tires.  I insisted on sitting backwards on the back of the 4wheeler because my zipper broke on my coat, and the wind was so cold.  Hint: sit in the middle with your legs if they hang off the it's laundry day.:)
Beautiful windmills

Standing next to one.

And RIGHT next to one.  It was too big to fit the top in the picture...:)


  1. eww..the Red Tent. I read that in high school. Interested book indeed. A very different view of biblical times :)
    P.S. ... GO STATE!

    1. I haven't read it yet. I'll have to update you when I read it. :) GO GREEN!

  2. Hey Jackie, We had our first MSU tailgate and win, and as promised, you were there in spirit! We spent the night in Jackson...thanks for sharing your bedroom. I caught up with your activities as your mom and I sat up and talked til after 2 AM. Miss you,dear. Be well. xo ~Anne

    1. :( I miss you all so much! I wish I could've been there at the tailgate. I was trying to come home for the Ohio State game, but I don't think it's going to work. Getting out of this city is a bit more complicated than you'd think... I worked for about 2 hours trying to get a flight, but it's still not working. I would have to take off a few days, book the flight on the last flight out, then make the connection in Bethal, then get an early one in Anchorage, then try to get home as soon as possible. Now, that's the easy part. Getting home in time to teach the following week is the hard part...
