Friday, August 10, 2012

Getting to Emmonak

Whew!  We're here.  I woke up at 6:30am to pack up all of my stuff that I didn't think would ever fit into my bags.  I figured out I didn't expand one of my bags and I packed my backpack in another bag.  Score!!!!  I didn't break any zippers, AND I was able to fit all of my stuff into all of my bags.  I might have had to pay another $60 for the extra bag, but really by this time you stop caring about the money you're spending.  You just hope that you're able to send anything to your village and get it there sometime soon.  I would've paid $100.  I also had to pay $75 for Maverick and Goose to come.  Again, couldn't care less.

Some of our friends then came down and said they were meeting at McDonald's.  Little did we know we had to go through security to get to McDonald's.  My last meal in civilization...McDonald's... So, I was able to do another trek through security with the two  I thin kit was even worse this time.  The plane people definitely tipped their carrier over so that the kitty litter spilled all over the bag.  They still feel like kitty litter.  Gross.  When we got to McDonald's...Paul was gone.  Sorry Paul!  We took too long!

29 person plane.  It was our first leg to St. Mary's.

So we then went back through security and to the other side of the airport (since we didn't have to go through security because our planes are so small they know no one will seek terrorism with the planes).  We then waited around for a bit, our plane left a half hour or hour late (I'm now on Eskimo time-everything comes when we get to it).  We then got on the bush teacher plane (literally we were the only people on the plane) that sat 29 people.  Yes.  29.  I was in the bitch seat.  I don't like saying that online, I just don't know what else to call it.  The back row went all the way across and I was in the middle.  It was awesome.  That flight was about an hour and a half.  And it was a bit rocky.  Coming down for the landing was...rough.  The landing and everything the pilot did was great, there were just air pockets.  We got out the puke bags, but didn't need to use them!  Yay!

The view from my seat.

Then we landed in St. Mary's.  I think it was her backyard. :)  Stayed there for about 20 minutes and then the pilot called us for our flight.

St. Mary's Airport

Inside the airport

Yes, the pilot called from the door for Emmonak.  We gathered our bags and walked to our plane.  He called, "The green one."  Wow.  This plane seated 9. 
Walking to the plane to take us to Emmonak

There were 8 of us.  It was a beautiful 30 minute flight.  He was AWESOME as a pilot (and not too bad on the eyes either).  I wasn't able to sit next to him because I think he told one of the helpers from the airport he could ride along with him.
View of plane from my seat.  Yes, the seatbelts went over the sholder!

Yes Phoebe fell asleep on the plane

We unloaded our plane, and waited for our ride to town.  The truck came and we loaded up.  There was a lot of stuff in the cabin, so Nathan and I sat in the back of the truck.  That's right Aunt Kathy, just like we did at the farm.  It was a little piece of Michigan again.  I was so excited.  We pulled into town and I was thrilled to see how beautiful it is.
The fresh meat at Emmonak!

Our luggage on the runway.

Nate riding with me in the back of the truck.
A street sign!!!!

We pulled up to our house first.  It's a house.  Nothing special, but not bad.  We then went up to the school.  It's so adorable!  All of the high school rooms are off the library.  (p.s. the library doesn't have a lot of updated books so feel free to send any books at anytime. 100 School Rd Emmonak, AK 99581 :) ) The junior high and elementary are in the same hall on the other side of the cafeteria.
My first look at my front door!

The school and parking lot:)


School Gym!

My classroom! (it's the weightroom right now...we'll move stuff)

Phoebe and I walked back home after our tour and learned that it's not a bad walk!  100-200 yards at the very most!  Very doable!  I have unpacked, put my sheets on my bed, and am now relaxing.  We're thinking of going to the restaurant for dinner (since we have no utensils or pans).  Don't know when, maybe soon.

Went to the restaurant.  I got a burger and Phoebe got shrimp fried rice.  It was good!  Not too expensive either.  About $10 each.  Mine came with fries and we each got a drink.  I think that's reasonable!  There were pool tables and some game machines in there too.  We are a hoppin place!


  1. So, is Phoebe your roomate? I got a bit confused with all the people. Glad you made it there safely! So how is the town? What else is there other than the restaurant to do or eat at?Photos of your house to come maybe? (the inside). Are you guys just waiting on all your stuff to be shipped there?

    1. Phoebe is my roommate. The town is very small and quaint. However, phoebe and I already got lost. Um, that's all there is to do in the town... There are Yup'ik dances and celebrations that happen that we can go to. (Yup'ik is the tribe that is here) my stuff should be here around august 22. Yay. So we are REALLY roughing it until then:) I'll take pictures of inside today or tomorrow and post them. Talk to you soon! Love you!

  2. I am so lovin this blog idea Jackie! I'm reading it everyday. It's great to see everything you see and hear how things are going for ya. -Missy

    1. Thanks Missy! I was hoping it would keep me in touch with everyone back home. As it turns out, I talk with more people now than I did before! :) I'm trying to keep it as current as possible, but the internet by my house isn't so good. So I have to come up to school when I want good internet. That's what I'm doing today:)

  3. Are you still in Emmonak ?

    1. Yes, I am. Feel free to email me. If you look at the top of the blog, there is my email.

  4. My daughter is on her way there to work and I am concerned

    1. I think I met your daughter today...Is she the new post master? She seems very nice. I wouldn't be concerned. It's different than the lower 48, but it's a good place to live. You just have to be knowledgable, smart, and open to new things. You have to be able to understand that it's a different culture. Things are different because it's a different place. And it's OKAY. Many people have a problem understanding that.
