Monday, August 20, 2012

Migraines and Heat

So, yesterday, Sunday, I woke up with a migraine.  I haven't had one in a while, so I can't really complain.  I can tell that it's one of the vertebrates in my neck that's out.  Ouch.  So, I pretty much laid down and slept all day trying to get rid of it.

Today, we had Suicide prevention training.  We learned that the national average is 10 in every 100,000 people ages 15-24 commit suicide.  Alaska Natives are at a rate of 60 in every 100,000 people.  We really need to watch our kids and try to help them.  With the lack of sunlight, things to do, psychology and other factors, it's really hard for the kids out here.  I really enjoyed the training and I hope this will help our students in the future.

It's 46 degrees out today and very cold in the school!  Brrrr!!!  We met with the Sunshine Committee and came up with fun things to do during the year.  Phoebe and I are in charge of sports.  How I got roped into this...I have no idea.  Sara's doing Friday Movie Nights.  Yay!
Laura teaching me that my high school classroom will not have heat...:(
We have food in our cupboards!  Thanks to my Fred Meyer order (5/8 of the order) and Phoebe's packages that came in, we are doing well!  Our friends are jealous!
Yes...that's 100 packets of Phillipino Ramin Noodles...

Love the Tang

Overflow Cupboard
I found out that there is Bush Subway here!!!! Yay!  I called them, and they take your order a day in advance, you have to have at least $100 order, and he can't take the order to the plane between 11-2pm.  I asked why and he replied with, "I'm the only one who can drive and I have to manage the store, too."  I love the Bush.  Only here would that answer make sense.

Speaking of things that would only make sense in the Bush... On the parent/student contact forms, there are two lines that I didn't understand what they meant...
 I understand what the Phone # is, but I couldn't figure out what the CB# or VHF# is.  Then I asked another teacher.  It's their radio number.  That's phenomenal.  Again, only people out in the Bush would understand.

I got more boxes too!  I got my potato chips, kitty litter, and cat food!  Yay!  Phoebe was getting worried on the smell.
Phoebe trying to move our packages...not working well...

I wanted to put up a picture of me actually working too!  I've been working the whole time, but I haven't been able to take a picture.  Luckily, Phoebe took one of me today:).
Doing paperwork in my classroom.


  1. Hey, just wanted to offer a suggestion if the sunlight is still bothering you at night. I put up room darkening shades in the nursery. Figured I'd only need them until it starts getting darker in the winter, so I bought redi-shades in black (black-out) for about $5 each...they're paper and you can cut them to any window size. Of course, it will take a while to get to you and by then you might be welcoming any light you can get...Just an idea.

    1. Hey, I already replied once to you, but it didn't let me send it...sorry. Thank you for this suggestion! I'll look on Amazon for the stuff! I wonder if the big bulletin board paper would do the same idea as this...? What do you think?

    2. It might. Probably worth a shot as you'd have it readily available. Ours are black and folded accordian style for easy ups and downs. They also came with two little clips to hold them up when they are drawn. Found them at Walmart...Good luck!

  2. Hope you are feeling better. Your blog is very popular. Tons of people have commented that they are watching it everyday! Good job! Love you!!

    1. Thanks Pops! I'm trying. Actually, my back is hurting now. What am I ever going to do without my chiropractors, massages, and doctors?!?! :)

  3. Well I am caught up!
    Is there an actual store in the town?
    How many students are in the school?

    1. Sorry, I tried to reply a few days ago, but it deleted it. There are actually two stores in two, The AC and The Company Store. The prices however....are like living at a football stadium...$5 hotdog, $3 pop, $4 bread. It hurts a bit:). There were 208 students the last time we counted. There are about 800 people in the village.
