Thursday, August 9, 2012

Professional Development

Today (Wednesday August 8th) started at 7:15am.  Too early!  We had breakfast and learned a lot!  It wasn't learning about teaching and what to do in our classrooms so much as what to do in our villages and with the people.  I didn't think about all the suggestions they had for us.  We had an exercise where we were new teachers coming into the village and we had to make conversation.  I was booted out of the room.  Turns out, you don't walk up to two male elders and introduce yourself while they're talking.  The suggestion was to get to know the women first.  It was also to make sure that I didn't interject myself into their conversation.  Hey-I like to talk  a lot!  This could be a problem...

We were also able to experience a traditional Yup'ik dance and drum music.  It was great!  They explained the parts of the dance and drumming while they were doing it, so we could understand things in the village later on, also.  That was great!  We then were able to partake in the dance and do what Elizabeth did...I don't know if I did exactly what she did, but I was close...:)

We were also able to try a kind of Salmon Jerky.  It was...interesting.  I don't think I will try it again.  I was expecting more of a jerky consistency.  Instead it was smooth and very oily.  When I wasn't expecting it, it didn't go well.

I got a new cell phone carrier and number today, too.  3 hours at the cell phone place, and we all got them!  I wasn't able to keep my number, but it's kind of close... Since they only have a company in Alaska, they can only give out an Alaska area code.  And my number wasn't available with that area code.  Bummer... My new number is 907-949-6569.  I'm only going to keep the number up for about a week, so take it down quick!  If you have someone calling you from a 907 number, it's Alaska, and it's me.


  1. Are you enjoying your new adventure?
    You look excited and happy.

    1. I am having so much fun. It's not fun when u realize what u forgot to bring with you that day (like a towel to shower). But it's fun to see what you make work. It's beautiful everywhere I look. And everyone's so nice. I met a very nice student today when I was at the store. Very talkative!
