Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Wow...I had my first IEP today.  It was definitely a learning experience to have IEPs in a different state.  I think the parents and I will collaborate well so I'm excited.  We got my Mr. Prime Beef yesterday!  I'm so excited!  Over 80 pounds of meat sent to us! :) It has been raining and muddy for the last two days.  That is Laura's contribution to the blog.

Phoebe would like me to tell you all that I am making steak for dinner.  We're very excited.  Yesterday I made cookies (sugar cookies), but Phoebe is requesting that someone send ingredients for Snickers cookies.  I have told everyone how good my Snickers cookies are, but I don't have mini Snickers or brown sugar.  So, Mom, I will need some:). 

Notice that it's so big it can't fit on the's 3 different meals for Phoebe and I.  Yum!

They have been cleaning out my classroom/weight room.  All of the hand weights have been taken out, and one of the big machines.  Now they need to take out the elliptical, treadmill, and bench press.  I need to make my room presentable to the students!  They come tomorrow!

I'm excited to meet the kids.  I've met quite a few around town walking, at the store, or they have come into the school.  I don't remember a lot of their names, though!  I will be leaving Monday to go to our district headquarters to have a training on our IEPs.  I'm excited to go and see other people and another school.  But I'm not excited to sleep on the floor...

It is Sara's birthday today.  Happy Birthday, Sara!!!  Please everyone tell her "Happy Birthday!"

Talk again soon!


  1. Happy bday,Sara! was the steak? How was your first day with kids? Did you ever get your room cleaned out? Snicker cookies, huh? Tell everyone up there that they are fantastic! But my favorites have always been iced sugar cookies! Did you ice them for your friends? We'll see what we can do! Love, Mom

    1. Happy Birthday Sara! Hope it was a good one! Send me a list of wants Jackie. Would love to send a package!

    2. The steaks were YUMMMMMMMMY. I have to say I did a great job with them. I out some of Phoebe's special Phillipino spices. I made them rare :) Phoebe needed me to put hers back on so it could get cooked a little more.

    3. BJ that's so sweet of you. But I feel so bad asking for stuff! You're so sweet to ask! Love you!
