Saturday, August 18, 2012

My First "Sleeping In" in 3 Weeks

I wanted to sleep in late today...Phoebe was up and around at 9:30 making breakfast so I couldn't sleep anymore:(.  I did take a 3 hour nap later on, but I'm still tired.  This Alaska weather/light is messing with me.  I watched Lord of the Rings (luckily the first one thanks to Matty) last night (only 1 hour and 8 minutes because I couldn't understand and had to ask Matt waaay too many questions).  I went to bed at 1am.  It was the first time I'd gone to bed after dark in 2 weeks.  The first time I had seen dark.  It was weird.

We went to the post office today and I got my package from Mom and Dad!!!!!  Thanks Mom and Dad!!!!!  It was full of great supplies!  Goose really liked his present:). 
I was too excited.  I opened it halfway in the car on the way home.

All the stuff from Mom and Pops!

Gorgeous sheets!

Yup, Jess.  Those are your cards:)

Pics of the family so I don't forget them!
We also had a potluck at 5:00pm for dinner.  It was so good.  I feel like I'm going to throw up.  I ate too much.  It was a welcome for all the new teachers.  Thank you so much everyone for cooking us dinner!
YUMMY food cooked by the other teachers and staff!

Laura assures me he looked like a dog last year, when he was a puppy...I don't believe it.
Let's see, I better get my packages soon, because this is what it looks like when I look for them online...
Not okay with everything being in Jackson, MI....
I would like to say "Hey" to all the families of my co-workers who have decided to dissert their blogs and join mine.  I have been trying to get them to stay as up-to-date as myself, but it hasn't worked.  I will try to let you know how they are doing also.  :)


  1. Glad you got your package. I noticed what you opened first. More to come next time. Hope the totes get there soon! Sorry to hear about Phoebe. Hope she is feeling better now. No fun being dizzy! Such an awful feeling. The dinner Saturday sounded nice. Good to know you are doing well. Love, Mom.

    1. She is feeling much better now, thanks. Still haven't gotten the totes though! :)

  2. I can't imagine how hard it must be waiting for the rest of your stuff , course most people have more patience than I do but still!! Good luck with the start of school! Enjoy the light now while you have it tho it must be very odd not seeing any darkness. I loved the picture of Maverick in his new perch! That was hilarious! Must be great to have them there. Are they adjusting well? Ok talk to ya later, luv ya- Missy

    1. It's amazing how much patience you don't have when you have nothing for 3 weeks though. :) Yeah, I'm trying to soak up the sun when I can... I love having Maverick and Goose, when they're not pestering Phoebe. She's not a cat person...I know. Who's not a cat person? She's trying to convert...I'll get her by Christmas.:) They're doing great. They've been good since we stepped off the plane. They're drinking A LOT of water, which is weird, but I guess is good!
