Sunday, August 26, 2012


Mom let me know today that some of the terms I use on my blog, you might not all know.  So I figured I'd put those terms here.  And I'll keep updating them.  I'll put people's names too.  If you ask about anything, I'll update here so everyone can get the info!  Thanks Mom for the idea!

ELL-English Language Learners...basically it's students whose first language isn't English and it makes learning more difficult in school because they might not be as fluent as we, as English as our first language people, are

Secondary School-middle school and high school

Elementary-K-5 grades

IEP-Individualized Education's the paperwork and/or the meeting I have for my students in special education.  It's basically what drives my job.  It's usually about 10 pages long, and it includes the demographics of the student, the time they need to be with me in special ed, for what services (math, language arts...), how we can accommodate them (shorten their assignments, give them extra time on tests, read things to them...), and a few other things go on it.

Yup'ik-the language and tribe of the Native American/Eskimo people in my village (the people like to be called Eskimo, where in other areas, they get offended by the term)

PD- professional's the meetings that just the teachers or staff go to. No kids. Sometimes it's just teachers at my school, sometimes all staff, sometimes it's just sped teachers...

SPED-special's what I teach people.

Instructional Leader-principal; we call them IL's here, so the Assistant IL or AIL is the assistant principal

Phoebe-my lovely roommate!

Nate/Nathan/Mr. Erfurth-new teacher who teaches high school social studies (married to Sara)

Sara/Mrs. Erfurth-new teacher who teaches high school language arts (married to Nate)

Laura/Mrs. Warner-kindergarten teacher, she's been here for a year already, owns BooBoo

Tom/Mr. Gobeske-my Instructional Leader; he's originially from Michigan (likes U of M...booooo); has been living in Washington State for the last long while.  His wife still lives there.  He has 3 boys, who are grown and have jobs.  This is his second year in Emmonak, but first year as the IL.

Scott/Mr. Carter-my Assistant Instructional Leader; he was the principal in Kuwait...the last 2 years.